Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Technical Malfunction

I guess it is inevitable, but it stinks when it happens. My hard drive crashed. After a long trip to the Midwest this past weekend I laid awake last night worried about the status of the pictures stored on my computer.

I had a feeling this was coming so I started a backup last Thursday via Mozy before we left. Jeremy confirmed this morning that the backup was successful. That was the best news I'd heard in awhile. And for the price of $89 we can get DVDs made of all my data. No pictures lost!!!

A break from technology is good once in a while. I was getting pretty attached to my little computer. We have to make a trip to an Apple store (2 hours away) to get a new hard drive. I'm not sure when that trip will occur. But when I get it back I have great stories (and pictures) of our trip to Michigan.

Just a little insight into my world at the moment....My New Year's resoultions are 1. potty train Aliza and 2. train Josiah to hold still while I change his diaper!


Christie said...

Good to see you back! I missed you :)I know you will make it to an apple store...if you guys can find one in the middle of San Franscico you can find one anywhere!

Me said...

oh i do like your resolutions!!!! when you get #2 figured out please pass along the secret!!!