Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Gearing Up

Summer is winding down. I can feel it. We didn't have any huge trips this summer and most of our big events are over. I'm feeling the pull towards school--if only to get a "head start" so we can finish in May. Aliza is begging and pleading with me to start school. Every day. Remember this if she wants to tell you how much she dislikes school!

We are getting ready. I've decided on a staggered start for Josiah and Aliza. Aliza will start next week (later in the week) and Josiah with start the following week. Let's just say...Josiah is not nearly as eager to start as Aliza is.

This year I have two shelves of books. The top shelf is kindergarten and the lower shelf is 2nd grade. 2nd grade?! That seems impossible!
Aliza had a blast decorating her folders. I use the folders to put her work in each day and she returns her completed work to the folder.
A desk space has been prepared for Josiah. He will not let on at all that he even remotely looks forward to starting school. I was quite thrilled when Anna tried to sit in his chair and he adamantly defended "his" space. There's hope. He's taken ownership of his desk!
Now the process of watching all of the 2nd grade orientation lessons. And hanging on to these last days of summer!

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